Upcoming Rosario La Tremendita at the Apollo | Singulive Skip to main content
Rosario La Tremendita

Upcoming Rosario La Tremendita at the Apollo

We are pleased to announce that Rosario La Tremendita, a restless and talented artist who experiments and overflows creativity in her flamenco songs, will soon be performing at the Apollo Theater in Singulive. This concert will be a unique opportunity to enjoy her music sitting down with her full band in an intimate setting.

In 2021, Rosario La Tremendita released the first part of her double album, TREMENDA. PRINCIPIO Y ORIGEN, which merges contemporaneity with the root of flamenco. In this album, we find synthesizers, dominant bass, traditional singing, and naked sounds. From traditional to contemporary and avant-garde lyrics, free and without constraints. The MIN Award for Independent Music for Best Flamenco Album (2022) was awarded to this first volume.

La Tremendita comes more tremendous than ever with her constant experimental search for creative freedom and her multi-instrumental facet. It will be a journey from today to yesterday, from tradition to innovation, under a contemporary sound surface that walks between electronics, funk, jazz, and experimentation.

This concert will be available for purchase starting in February, and you can enjoy it in a session of up to 4 users in the comfort of your home. We invite you to prepare your favorite drink, relax, and enjoy a unique experience from the comfort of your virtual seat.